Dustin James Rader

I am an advocate for all people from historically marginalized communities, with a focus on transgender individuals. I currently serve as an adjunct professor of Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies at Central Connecticut State University, where I earned my Master of Arts in Teaching in 2015 after completing my Bachelor of Arts in English at the University of Vermont in 2013. I taught high school English for several years in Connecticut, and I also advocate for teacher voice in K-12 education policy.

I came out as transgender in my senior year at Glastonbury High School in the fall of 2008. I have had the opportunity to speak with various groups about my experiences as a transgender student and my current time in the professional world as a teacher, and am available as a consultant, speaker, or presenter on LGBTQIA+ issues. I consider myself an activist for all LGBTQIA+ and minority people, but my focus is usually on K-12 transgender students. 

I find things go better when there is a conversational aspect to my presentations so that attendees can ask questions. My conversations are always appropriate for all ages: I've spoken with students in grade 4 all the way to administrators and board of education members. I encourage mixed groups: I have worked with all different ages, abilities, professions, religions, groups, etc, and am always willing to branch out. I have also been a PFLAG Hartford facilitator.

I have worked with students, faculty, administrators, Board of Education members, and many others at a wide variety of schools and districts. Some of my proudest moments are: keynoting at the RIASC convention in 2017; speaking on a panel on LGBT students at the National School Boards Association first Equity Symposium in Washington, DC, in 2016; presenting a Tedx Talk about my experiences; and being featured in NBC’s PRIDE 30 in 2017.

To contact me to request an engagement or meeting, my email is dustyjamesrader@gmail.com.